Going through some pictures on the computer, I run across some older photos of the boys. Nothing big like their births or anything like that, just some photos from about a year or so ago. Anyways, I'm sitting here looking at these photos and I just cant believe how fast time flies, and how much kids can grow and learn in just a years time. Since this time last year my oldest has stared reading, adding, subtracting, and more. My youngest has learned his alphabet, colors, shapes, and speaks in perfect sentences (well perfect to me). Last year was when we moved 700 miles away from the place where our boys were born and more than half our family lives. It was also the year we started discussing our options with schooling and what we thought would be best for our family. Homeschooling can be tough at times, there are days when I just want to give up, send them to public or private school and never think about it again. But if I were to do that, I would miss all of this. Being able to watch them grow every day, learning how opposite they are in almost every way. Seeing their little faces light up when they discover something that interests them. The way my oldest loves to write and do puzzles, and how my youngest hates to even pick up a pencil or crayon and would rather use flash cards or point at things with a yard stick. I know this post is completely out in left field compared to any of my other post, but I just thought it would be nice to share this moment of reminiscing will you all.
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